Health Tips

Health Tips:

Image from Timesofindia

For a good healthy life, we need to change our lifestyle and should take the right intake and provide the food needed for the body.

Image from stitcher

Health Tip #1

Drink 1 or 1.25 liter of water immediately wake up from the bed daily in the morning, to clean the body and avoid more health issues.

Health Tip #2

Drink 2 glasses (1/2 ltr) of water half an hour before eating breakfast/lunch/supper daily.

1. Avoids indigestion
2. Avoids Hiccups
3. Avoids gastric problems
4. Produces sufficient HCL in our body.
5. Produces sufficient saliva

Health Tip #3

Don't drink water, any liquids or fluids immediately before or while eating food (solid) and vice versa.

Problems if you drink:

1. Indigestion or takes more time to digest.
2. More strain on the stomach
3. Dilutes HCL acid
4. Gastric problems
5. Can not take enough food

Health Tip #4

Take only one sip of water immediately after eating food. After food to take water gap should be 2 hrs. Initially take half an hour gap and take few, increase the time gradually and habituate 2 hrs gap to take sufficient water. After that take sufficient water frequently until snacks or dinner.

Health Tip #5

The human body requires 75% water and 25% food. Adults should take 5.5 liters of water daily in a proper way to avoid many diseases.

1. Avoids indigestion
2. Avoids Kidney stones
3. Avoids bad smell in the mouth
4. Avoids Urinal infections
5. Controls body heat
6. Avoids wet and dry skin problems
7. Cures cough and Cold
8. Avoids motion problems
9. Helps to produce required chemicals in our body
10. Helps in cleaning body
11. Avoids Headache
12. Avoids low BP and Giddiness

Health Tip #6

The best food, take regularly to avoid many diseases.

1. Sprouts
2. Dry fruits
3. Fruits

Health Tip #7

Take lemon juice with honey regularly in the morning.

1. Teeth gums strongness
2. Helps to clean our body
3. Vitamin C
4. Helps to prevent Kidney stones

Health Tip #8

In the journey, everyone gets a headache. The reason behind this is due to lack of water. But most people take coffee or tea for relief. These will give relief instantly, however that should not happen. We should take enough water to avoid these. Take a few sips of water for every 15 to 30 mins interval span to avoid Urinal problems, Headache, Giddiness, etc.

Health Tip #9

Avoid Cool drinks (all types) completely. Cool drinks contain heavy sugar mixing and other ingredients. If you take one example, Due to the heavy mixing of sugar and other chemical mixing the human tooth damages quickly. There are a lot of problems that will arise due to drinking cool drinks.

Health Tip #10

Almost everyone suffers from Cold and Cough frequently, due to changes of weather, food, or any other reason. We know there is no medicine till now introduced to cure these. Even though we are taking medicine for these. Those only will give relaxation temporarily. However, taking these medicine gives side effects and reduces our immunization. Then what is the solution?

Water. Yes, water is having healing power. Take more water or warm water more times whenever having a Cold or Cough, and take more fluids, avoid solid items. Water sends out insects or viruses through snot and other sources.

Health Tip #11

Take heavy curry in the meals to get more vitamins. Avoid spicy and other ingredients (Turmeric powder, Ginger, Garlic, Mustard, Jeera, Dill and etc.), instead use Coconut, Sesame, and Groundnut powders in the curry.

If you take spicy ingredients regularly it will reduce our immunization. These should use whenever required.

Health Tip #12

God has created good food for all. There are three types of food. Normal, Medicated, and Spices.

1. General (Normal) - Rice ( all types of Cereals), Lentils, all Vegetables, millets, fruits, etc.

2. Medicated - Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Tamarind, Mustard, Caraway seeds (Jeera), Asafoetida (Hing), etc.,

3. Spices - Pepper, Cardamom (Elaichi), Cinnamon (Dalchini), Cloves (Laung), Coriander (Dhania), Dried Red Chilli, Bay Leaf, etc.,

We should take all the normal items regularly. Medicated items should only take whenever we get any problems or diseases (means whenever required). If we take these medicated items regularly it will reduce our immunity system. These are like medicine, so you understand, we should not take medicine without having any problems, right. Spices can take occasionally.. like in festivals, functions, etc if we take regularly will get problems.

Health Tip #13

Whenever we get fever, indigestion, or any small diseases, stop eating solid foods, do fasting (Lankanam) by taking only water throughout the day, next day take only fluids, water, or juices per hour.

1. Improves body immunization.
2. The body becomes strong enough to fight the virus.

Health Tip #14

Reduce Salt and Oil in daily food. These two items are more dangerous and causing more problems for health. Because we are eating a lot of items like vegetables and others, so these contain salt and others in in-built. So taking salt and oil from outside is becoming excessive.

Health Tip #15

Try to avoid the five whites – Sugar, Polished Rice, processed flour (Maida), bread, and Salt.

Instead of these take alternatives:
Sugar - Honey, Jaggery powder, Dates powder, Brown sugar
Salt - Rock salt (if required)
Polished Rice - Unpolished rice, Brown rice, Millets

And remaining take unprocessed.

Health Tip #16

Try to eat the below items regularly for good health.

1. Carrot
2. Beatroot
3. Keera

Health Tip #17

healthy lifestyle required the below 7 things:

1. Good Air
2. Good Water
3. Proper Food
4. Enough Exercise
5. Free Motion
6. Enough body rest (sleep)
7. Positive Thinking

If you have above these you won't require a doctor. If you concentrate on the above you will get all the possibilities.

Health Tip #18

Hair fall problem. What is the reason for dandruff and How to cure dandruff?

By natural for everyone, 100 hair does fall down and 100 hair grows daily.

A lot of people suffer from dandruff. The main reason for dandruff is not doing a head bath daily. Due to sweat and dead cells, it will become dandruff and it causes hair fall. People use different types of hair shampoos and keep on changing. In fact, there is no shampoo that cures dandruff. The permanent solution is taking a head bath. And a tip for head bath does rub with fingers, not with palm.

Many people think that if we do head baths daily, then become hair fall. Some people do not take a head bath due to laziness or for hair dry for ladies. However, these are myths.

Health Tip #19

The main reasons for hair fall:

1. Hereditary
2. Dandruff
3. Lack of protein and vitamin
4. Tensions

If the hair fall is due to Hereditary, then we can't do much. If it is due to Dandruff, then take a head bath daily. If it lacks vitamins, then take proper food. If it is due to tension, then come out of bad thinking.

Health Tip #20

So many people suffer from Gastric problems. Many people think that gastric problem comes by eating sprouts, Bengal gram, ground nuts or green chili, etc.,. However, these are myths. These items release gas but are not harmful to health.

The main reasons for Gastric problems:
1. Drinking water or liquids while having food
2. Not eating food on time
3. Taking more Tea or Coffees
4. Motion problems

If you avoid the above things, you can avoid gastric problems mostly.

Health Tip #21

Thyroid problem, these days a lot of people suffering from Thyroid. To reduce and to work thyroid gland properly, take below food regularly, it helps a lot.
  1. Vegetable Juice
  2. Sprouts
  3. Drink Orange Juice
  4. Drink Corriander seeds water 30 minutes before breakfast
  5. Massage your neck with cold pressed walnut oil
  6. Need good sleep
    Eat: Selenium rich food and include Iodine rich food
  •  Eat Vegetable salad
  •  Sunflower Seeds, Brown Rice, Yogurt (Curd)
    Avoid: Which contains Goitegen
  • Soya products
  • Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli,
  • Sweet Potato
  • Peach and Strawberries
  • Peanuts
  • Avoid Tea and Coffee
    Yoga: Do Yoga regularly
  • Head Rotation
  • Bhujangasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Singasana
  • Do Meditation

Health Tip #22

To reduce or avoid sugar disease, take below food regularly.

1. Take chapati with wheat flour or mixed grain flour
2. Avoid white rice, take millets
3. Take Sprouts
4. Take Heavy curry
5. Take Fruits

Health Tip #23

Ankle pains, the main reason for this is to losing ankle joint glue, because of not taking enough water, exercise and taking salt from outside. To reduce or avoid do below things

1. Take enough water daily
2. Avoid Salt
3. Do exercise

Salt (Sodium) is very important to our body. Whatever we are talking about food having sodium inbuilt, so taking salt will become excess, however, we do not require from outside, by taking food, vegetables are enough.

Health Tip #24

Try to avoid the below items to save our health:

1. Packet milk (processed)
2. Broiled Eggs
3. Broiler Chicken
4. Jean modified fish
5. Iodized Salt

Health Tip #25

So many people are suffering these days without having proper sleep. Because of late-night dinners, or oil or processed food. It takes a lot of time to digest and get more problems. Try to sleep as early as possible at the night.

For good and deep sleep, the best dinner or supper is having only enough fruits at 6 pm daily.

Health Tip #26

Most of the people get headache due to sunstroke when we go outside. But people take Tea or Coffee to avoid or control headaches, however, it will cause issues to the health.

To avoid this drink 3 to 4 glasses of water while going outside and carry a water bottle, after 2 hours, for every half an hour take 2 sips of water.

Health Tip #27

A lot of people suffer from Low Hemoglobin count, mainly women. To avoid low hemoglobin problems, to improve blood levels take below food regularly.

1. Carrot juice (include a few beetroot pieces, 1 spoon wheatgrass powder, and honey) in the morning.
2. Any Fruit juice in the evening
3. Eat at least 1 leafy vegetable daily in the meals
4. Take only fruits in the dinner

Health Tip #28

To reduce nerve weakness and strengthen our body nerves take below food regularly.

1. Groundnuts
2. Sesame
3. Dates
4. Sprouts

Take the above food in any form, for example, Groundnut laddu, Sesame laddu, etc.

Health Tip #29

Heavy bleeding during a period or any other situation in women, take tub bath regularly and keep ice cubes or keep cool wet cloth at the lower abdomen.

Take below food for strengthening your body:
1. Carrot juice (include a few beetroot pieces, 1 spoon wheatgrass powder, and honey)
2. Fruit juices
3. Take Water frequently
4. Dates

Health Tip #30

Avoid the below items in daily food for good health:

1. Tea and Coffee
2. Polished Rice
3. Maida
4. Salt (Processed or Iodized)
5. Milk
6. Sugar
7. Refined oils
8. Junk food
9. Cool Drinks and Energy Drinks
10. Any food which is in plastic
11. Masala Items
12. Popu/talimpu ingredients
13. Tamarind soup (Chinthapandu soup (charu))

Have below items (alternatives) in food regularly for good health:

1. Kashayalu / Vegetable Juices
2. Unpolished Rice, Millets, Ragi, Sajja, etc.
3. Wheat, Ragi, Sajja, etc flour
4. Rock Salt, Lemon
5. Lemon Juices, Curd, Majjiga, or Natural milk
6. Honey, Dates powder, Jaggery powder (Thati), Brown Sugar (Organic)
7. Yeddu / Chekka ganuga oils
8. Home food
9. Fruit juices
10. Use Clay, Copper products, etc
11. Use Sesame, Coconut, Groundnut, Black Gram, Curry leaf powder in curries regularly.
12. Tomato Soup, Ulava soup (charu)
13. Sprouts
14. Dry Fruits
15. Fruits

If you have any doubts or need clarification, please reach out to me, Naveen 9959941110

Health Tip #31

Mouth Ulcer (నోటి పూత), mostly seen due to lack of B vitamin. To reduce this do the below things.

1. Take unpolished food like unpolished rice, brown rice, millets, etc.
2. Take sufficient water
3. Apply honey to the mouth ulcer

Health Tip #32

To reduce Uric Acid and Gout problems. Take below food regularly.

1. Take sufficient water (5.5 liters per day)
2. Avoid Non-veg items
3. Take less protein food
4. Drink Coriander juice regularly
5. Have only fruits in the dinner
6. Do Yoga

Health Tip #33

To reduce Throat infection or pain do the below things complete a day or more.

1. Avoid solid food
2. Take liquid food
3. Take water frequently
4. Take warm water with lemon and honey

Health Tip #34

To reduce Ulcerative Colitis (పేగు పూత), do the below things.

1. Avoid Tea and Coffee
2. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
3. Don't drink water while having food
4. Take warm water with honey.
5. Take fruits

Health Tip #35

To avoid Paralysis, please do the below precautions.

1. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
2. Avoid Salt, instead use lemon in the curries after cooking.
3. Avoid junk food
4. Take some raw food daily like carrots, Keera, fruits, etc.
5. Do exercise, meditation.
6. Don't get anxious, angry...

Health Tip #36

To reduce or avoid Back Pain, do the below things.

1. Take only fruits in breakfast and dinner
2. Take juices and buttermilk
3. Keep sitting position 90 degrees while working, even look sleeping position is good.
4. Do asanas like Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, etc.
5. Reduce body weight if it is heavy.

Health Tip #37

Due to heavy Triglycerides in the blood will get a heart attack. To avoid or reduce Heart Attacks or Heart Blocks, please follow the below things.

1. Avoid white products and processed foods like polished items... white rice, white flour, salt, etc.
2. Take raw foods like Carrot, Beetroot, Keera, Sprouts, fruits, etc daily
3. Take fruit juices
4. Take Keera, Bottle Guard, or Ash Guard juices regularly by alternatively
5. Take good food like unpolished items, millets, etc.
6. Take only fruits, sprouts in the breakfast, and dinner whoever having heart blocks.
7. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.

Health Tip #38

High BP, these days a lot of people suffering from this. Follow the below things...

1. Avoid salt
2. Take natural food (fruits, sprouts, etc - Non-cooked food) only for breakfast and dinner.
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
4. Do meditation

Health Tip #39

Low BP, sometimes people suffering from low BP, they will think due to lack of salt in the body, so many people take saltwater, it's very dangerous and it's not correct. Actually Low BP due to lack of water and proper food.

1. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
2. Take proper food
3. Take fruits and juices regularly.

Health Tip #40

Sciatica pain, whoever having don't sit on the floor directly, sit on the straight cushion. Do hot water massage. The sitting position should be straight.

do below asanas for the best relief.

1. Salabhasanam
2. Vrustasanam
3. Dhanurasanam

Health Tip #41

Cancer, these days a lot of people getting, this is very dangerous. There are a lot of reasons to get this, the main is our lifestyle, pesticide food, etc. To avoid or reduce follow below things.

1. Avoid Salt
2. Avoid deep fry oil items
3. Avoid bakery food, Ice cream, Cool Drinks, Junk food, etc.
4. Avoid late-night dinner
5. Take wheatgrass, carrot and Beetroot juices
6. Change your lifestyle
7. Avoid plastic
8. Avoid processed food items
9. Use Ganuga oils
10. Avoid injected Chicken, eggs, fish, milk, etc.
11. Take Jam leaf, Raavi leaf juices

Health Tip #42

To reduce or avoid White discharge in women, follow the below things.

1. Take Mint, Coriander, and Tulasi juice regularly.
2. Take proper food on time.
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.

Health Tip #43

For Teeth and Gums Pain relief, do the below things...

1. Do salt water gargling.
2. Apply honey to the gums and do a massage
3. Do fruit juices fasting

Health Tip #44

Piles, whoever having piles problem, do below things.

1. Take 1.25 liters of warm water in the early morning, do a walk and concentrate on the stomach.
2. Take fruits daily which are having more fiber.
3. Take fruit, vegetable juices
4. Take Kanuga leaf, Raavi leaf kashayam
5. Take unpolished food.

Health Tip #45

Migraine headache, due to not motion properly, lack of water, stress, etc., to reduce or avoid do below things...

1. Avoid Tea and Coffee
2. Take a head bath regularly
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
4. Go motion properly...3 to 4 times or at least 2 times per day.
5. Take only fruits in the morning breakfast and dinner.
6. Take Sesame laddu or fried sesame regularly (3 weeks at least)

Health Tip #46

Immunity boosting tips to the human body. Please follow the below steps.

1. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
2. Go motion properly...3 to 4 times or at least 2 times a day.
3. Try to complete dinner as early as possible (6 pm to 7 pm), take raw food at least 30% like sprouts, fruits, etc. if possible. No no-veg.
4. Take intermittent fasting, eat daily 2 times a day, and take juices in between.
5. Do fasting once a week.
6. Do Exercise, Yoga, Pranayama, etc. at least 1 hour daily
7. Avoid Alcohol, Cigarette, Gutka, etc... because these suppress the body immunity
8. Meditation for mind control and good thoughts.

Health Tip #47

To reduce or avoid White Patches and Bolli Machalu (Vitiligo), please do the below things...

1. Improve D vitamins, stay at sunrise at least 30 mins to 1 hour in the morning.
2. Take raw food at least 30% like sprouts, fruits, etc. if possible.
3. Take wheatgrass juice 3 times a day.
4. Take unpolished food
5. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
6. Take only sufficient fruit at dinner.

Health Tip #48

Most of the times we will get Hot blisters and (వేడి పొక్కులు) and Hives (దద్దుర్లు), due to heat in our body. To reduce or avoid follow below things...

1. Do lemon with honey juice fasting for 2 to 3 days, even you can take coconut water.
2. Take a Tub bath.
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
4. Take only sufficient fruit at dinner. Try to complete dinner as early as possible (6 pm to 7 pm).

Health Tip #49

Fistula, it happens due to bad chemical dirt releases our body while creating different organs or particles and that has to go out from our body properly, to reduce this problem please follow below things...

1. Take only sufficient fruits for breakfast and dinner.
2. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters in a day.

Health Tip #50

Lots of girls or ladies suffering from PCOD problems due to Hormones Imbalance. The main reason is food. A few of the food items are Steroid Chicken, eggs, and milk. To avoid these follow below things...

1. Take sprouts daily at breakfast.
2. Have early dinner (6 to 7 pm)
3. Take millets (Little Millet 3 days and remaining in each one day)
4. Take fruit juices
5. Take any one vegetable juice daily (Haak or Bran juice or Mint and Coriander or Carret, Beetroot and Keera or Lettuce (Palak) and Curry Leaves, Mixed vegetable juice..)
6. Do exercise
7. Avoid Tea and Coffee

Health Tip #51

To avoid loose motions, do the below things...

1. Avoid solid food, do complete fasting.
2. Take warm water sip by sip
3. Take honey water frequently
4. Take Coconut water

Health Tip #52

To reduce or avoid Amebiasis, do the below things

1. Do Enema if possible
2. Try to go two times motion a day
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters in a day.
4. Take only sufficient fruits for breakfast and dinner.
5. Take fiber content food
6. Take heavy curry in the meals.

Health Tip #53

So many people suffer from not having Free Motion due to Mind stress, eating fiberless food, etc. Observe, are you getting free motion within seconds. If not you are facing a Motion problem. For Free Motion, follow the below things.

1. Take 1.25 Ltrs after immediate wake up in the morning.
2. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters in a day.
3. Take warm water
4. Take only sufficient fruits for breakfast and dinner.
5. Take fiber content food
6. Do meditation for a mind-free and to avoid stress.

Health Tip #54

To avoid Eye problems or to increase Eyesight.

1. Take Carret, Beetroot, tomato, and Keera juice
2. Eat leafy vegetables daily (prepare two curries daily, one should be a leafy vegetable)
3. Drumstick leaf, Curry leaf juice
4. Sleep at least 6 to 8 hours
5. Try to reduce watching TV, Laptop, Mobile, etc.

Health Tip #55

These days so many people suffering from Eye Burning due to air pollution, not having proper sleep, etc. To reduce Eye Burning, please do the below things

1. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters in a day.
2. Wear a closed helmet or glasses when you go outside in 2 wheeler
3. Wash your eyes frequently

Health Tip #56

Benefits of Copper, some people say that Copper is very good but a lot of people having doubt whether this is correct or not because some people are doing on business on the popular items based on the situation. However don't think that whether they are doing business or not, just think whether it is real or not. Actually, there are a lot of benefits of Copper. The human body also required Copper. Drink water in Copper daily.

The Role of copper in the human body:

1. It helps and required for adequate growth
2. Cardiovascular health
3. Lung elasticity
4. To form new blood vessels
5. To form hormones
6. Iron metabolism
7. To help the immunity in the body
8. Help in detoxification
9. Helps to remove radical scavenger
10. Helps in well functioning in mitochondria function
11. Helps in the development and maintenance of bones
12. It improves the Digestive system
13. Prevents Aging
14. Helps in preventing Cancer

Health Tip #57

Remedies for Toothache or how to cure cavities naturally (పిప్పి పన్ను / పంటి నొప్పి)

1. Apply honey to the infected teeth and do a massage or brush several times a day. Honey acts as an antibacterial. 
2. Do Honey water fasting for teeth pain.
3. Apply Asafetida (ఇంగువ) on the infected teeth or apply Alovera
4. If the pain is not reducing consult a dental doctor for removal or repair.

Health Tip #58

How to avoid Teeth problems or cavities.

1. Avoid cool drinks and cool water
2. Avoid sweets that are made with sugar.
3. Avoid toothpaste and plastic brush, instead use organic tooth powder or neem stick.
4. Avoid Tea and Coffee, instead take buttermilk, lemon juice, etc.

Health Tip #59

Wound healing for Swelling, when we get any type of wounds and getting immediate swelling, apply Ice Fomentation (ఐస్ కాపడం).

Health Tip #60

Psoriasis or any other skin diseases, these skin disease will take a lot of time to reduce, because the skin is a big part of our body. Plz, follow the below points...

1. Take wheatgrass juice regularly
2. Take carrot beetroot, Keera, and other vegetable juices
3. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5 liters.
4. Take fruit juices regularly
5. Reduce or avoid salt from outside
6. Spend time in the sunlight, for D vitamins, the sun is one of the best resources.

Health Tip #61

Sometimes we face vomiting or stomach irritation due to indigestion. The stomach is trying to send out what we ate, but it irritates our bodies. To overcome that we can vomit by ourselves immediately by doing the following

1. Drink saltwater continuously up to 1 liter or drink normal water continuously to vomit.
2. After vomit don't eat anything for some time and take some rest. 
3. After 1 or 2 hours have honey or honey water or Coconut water to free from Fatigue (నీరసం).
4. Take only fruits for food for the next break when we eat on that day for easy digesting.

Health Tip #62

Most women face vomiting or stomach irritation when they are in pregnancy, however, we think that is common or natural of the human body, but that is due to an unhealthy body. To avoid that symptom...

1. Take a small amount of Amla powder with honey directly (not including water) in the early morning.
2. Take lemon juice with honey
3. Take proper food, avoid junk food

Health Tip #63

Whoever suffering from Eosinophilia, do the following...

1. Do lemon with honey, honey water, fruit juice fasting
2. Avoid cool water
3. Do steam bathing or hot water bathing daily

Health Tip #64

These days lot of people suffer from Kidney stones and Gallbladder stones due to lack of water instead people are taking cool drinks and junk food. And also having excess salt. To avoid this. Urine should not be in yellow color, which means you are not taking sufficient water.

1. Take 1 to 1.25 liters of water after immediately woke up in the morning.
2. Take sufficient water in a proper way up to 4 to 5.5 liters in a day.
3. Avoid or reduce salt
4. Avoid Cool drinks, bakery items, and junk food.
5. Go motion daily at least 2 times a day
6. Have Horse gram soup
7. Drink Mountain Knot Grass (కొండ పిండి ఆకు) juice, Ranapala Leaves juice

Health Tip #65

Gallbladder problem, to avoid this... Take a high fiber diet and low calories

1. Eat Udalu, Samalu, Arikalu regularly
2. Drink Sadapaku, Kanuga, Aamudamu kashayam or juice
3. Take leafy vegetables daily
4. Have early dinner (at 5 to 6.30 pm)
5. Take only fruits in the dinner

Health Tip #66

A lot of people suffer from a lack of B complex, due to they will take B complex tablets. In pregnancy time almost all ladies will take B complex, folic acid (B9) tablets due to deficiency. To avoid that we can take enough natural food regularly. The below are the food having more B complex vitamins.

1. Banana, Avocado, Papaiah, Orange fruits
2. Spinach (పాలకూర), Cluster beans (గోరు చిక్కుడు / గోకరకాయ), 
3. Green Gram (పెసర్లు), Black-eyed beans (బొబ్బర్లు), Chickpeas (శనగలు), Rajma seeds

Health Tip #67

Weakness or fatigue, most people these days are not able to work properly due to weakness. This will happen most of the time due to low Hemoglobin percentage. This test should be happening as a primary. To avoid this..

1. Take Wheatgrass juice
2. Take Papaiah juice, Caret, Beetroot and Keera juice, fruit juices
3. Eat unpolished food

Health Tip #68

The benefit of Coconut water. Coconut water is having a lot of minerals. A lot of people having myth like sugar patients drinks Coconut water it will increase sugar percentage, no it will not. Everyone can take Coconut water without having any doubt.

1. 1/4 liter Coconut water gives 74-kilo Calories,. means 100 gms - 24 Calories only.
2. 100gms Coconut water is having 105 mg Sodium.
3. Even Coconut water can take daily. It is more than equal to one saline bottle.

Health Tip #69

Muscle Cramps (కండరాల తిమ్మిరి), main reasons due to reducing minerals in our body, without exercise and lack of less Calcium, Podium, etc., To avoid this...

1. Eat leafy vegetables daily (mainly Amaranthus - తోటకూర)
2. Eat Sesame Laddu (నువ్వుల లడ్డు) daily
3. Take Coconut water daily
4. Eat Fruits daily (mainly Muskmelon)
5. Take Fruit and Vegetable juices daily
6. Do exercise daily

Health Tip #70

Muscle Pains, mainly due to a lack of B Complex vitamins.

1. Avoid polished rice/items and take unpolished rice
2. Eat sprouts daily
3. Eat Husk (తవుడు) daily

Health Tip #71

Fires of soles (అరికాళ్ళు మంటలు), mainly due to lack of B complex vitamin, and Sugar disease, etc., to avoid these...

1. Take Footbath.. keep legs in mildly hot water tub for half an hour and after keep in normal water (Hot and Coldwater therapy)
2. Take healthy food to avoid Sugar disease and Improve B Complex vitamin.

Health Tip #72

Benefits of Meal Maker and Soya Flakes. Use at least once in a week.

1. It contains 48 to 50 grams of protein (highest protein more than Non-veg)
2. It helps in muscle building
3. It gives good protein for pregnant ladies
4. It improves milk production for a woman in a childbed (బాలింత)
6. It helps in children growth

Health Tip #73

These days so many people are cooking or using to heat the food items in Micro Woven / Micro Wave.

The disadvantages of Micro Woven / Micro Wave. This is mainly due to the Radiation system in those machines.

Better to avoid Micro Woven / Micro Wave.

1. It reduces white blood cells life span in our body.
2. It reduces Hemoglobin percentage
3. It damages blood pumping, it causes health attack problem, reduces good cholesterol.
4. Causes Hormone imbalance
5. Reduces memory power
6. Reduces Anti Oxidants and increases free radicals, which causes Cancer.

Health Tip #74

Don't keep the Dosa, Idli Batter (దోస or ఇడ్లి పిండి) or Curd or other items which are fermented in a fridge for more than two days.

Even good bacteria like Lactobacillus, Escherichia Coli and etc., increases more and more, so it causes to damage our body.

Health Tip #75

Bathing Tip, to avoid skin allergies, rashes, fungal infections. Apply Neem Oil to the body and do the bath. Or do a bath with hot water with Neem leaves regularly. You can do this occasionally even without having any allergies to kill the viruses on your body.

Health Tip #76

Benefits of Dates. The more energy gives among all fruits is Dates. Try to eat daily. Even you can prepare sweats with dates to avoid Sugar and Jaggery.

1. Dates contain 140 Calories per 100 gms
2. It contains more Iron
3. It helps to improve blood formation

Health Tip #77

These days we are seeing a lot of people are getting heart blocks. To avoid these Heart blocks, follow these

1. Eat Dry fruits regularly, it will increase good (HDL) cholesterol.
2. Eat leafy vegetables regularly, it will give Alfa Linolenic acid
3. Eat fruits regularly
4. Do exercise regularly

Health Tip #78

Natural Mouth Freshener Tip, lot of people uses Mouth Fresheners, like Betel-nut, etc., but those are not good for health. Use Cardamom (యాలక్కాయ) for good mouth freshener. No need to eat complete Cardamom, only one or two nuts are enough. Use whenever required. Don't use regularly and don't eat more even if it is good.

Health Tip #79

To avoid Mouth, Body, and Urine smell. Follow the below tips...

1. Go two times motion morning and evening by having 1 to 1.25 liters of water.
2. Have 5 to 5.5 liters of water a day
3. Take early dinner (6 pm to 7 pm) and try to have only fruits in the dinner.

Health Tip #80

To increase Sperm Count (వీర్య కణాల ఉత్పత్తి),  do the below things... food which is having zinc improves good sperm count.

1. Eat Watermelon () seeds regularly
2. Take dry fruits Badam, Pista, Kaju, Sunflower seeds, Muskmelon seeds, etc., regularly.
3. Avoid Tea, Coffee.. it will decrease the sperm count. Even don't take Green Tea or Black Tea etc.
4. Take any juices (fruit or vegetable) daily

Health Tip #81

For Strong Bones, we all know we need Calcium. Everyone thinks Milk is having more calcium and takes mainly Milk daily. But these days selling persons are using Steroids for Milk. 

However, there are other good food items having more than Milk. For 100 gms Milk having 120 mg calories only. Avoid packet and steroids Milk. Children need 600 mg and Adults need 400 mg Calcium approximately per day. Below are the things for good calcium and strongness.

1. D Vitamin, spend at least half an hour in the sunny (ఎండ) regularly.
2. Take more leafy vegetables mainly Amaranthus (తోటకూర - 400 mg) and Sessile Joyweed (పోనగంటి కూర - 510 mg).
3. Take Sesame laddu (నువ్వుల లడ్డు - 1400 mg) daily.

Health Tip #82

Alopecia Areaata (పేను కొరుకుడు) is like one of autoimmunity disease. To avoid or reduce by taking Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc, and Selenium.

1. D Vitamin, spend at least half an hour in the sunny (ఎండ) regularly.
2. Take Sesame laddu (నువ్వుల లడ్డు) daily
3. Take 60 to 70% natural food (fruits and nuts)
4. Take sprouts and juices regularly
5. Have 4 to 5.5 liters of water daily
6. Reduce salt

Health Tip #83

A lot of people having doubt which Oil is best and which one is having more fat. The fact is no fat in any oil, all are zero cholesterol. But how the fat comes, this is your doubt right.

Cholesterol comes when the body consumes, the liver produces the fat, so these oils help to produce more. Actually, the body required only 20 gms of fat. But indirectly human takes more than 200 gms a day, that causes more heart blocks. So reduce as much as oil in food, if possible avoid completely.

Health Tip #84

To reduce Obesity quickly eat low Carbohydrates in food. The best option is to eat only fruits for the dinner.

Below are the best options:
1. Preferable fruits Watermelon, Muskmelon, Papaya, Sweet Lime, Orange, Pineapple, Grapes, Guava, Apple, Jamun, Pomegranate, Jujube, etc. (Or) Two Pulkas with heavy Curry (preferably Leafy vegetables)
2. Reduce salt, if possible avoid completely
3. Take early dinner (6 to 8 pm)

Health Tip #85

Benefits of Muskmelon (కర్భుజ), high sodium fruit. It will help to improve Sodium in the body without any side effects. A lot of people avoid this fruit, but it's very good fruit, take regularly. We require 280 to 300 gm's sodium daily.

1. 100 gm's fruit is having 104 gm's Sodium
2. Even sugar patients can also take this fruit.
3. It helps to avoid low BP

Health Tip #86

Skin Glow, lot of people suffers from dry skin, Oily skin, and glowness. To reduce these people will use a lot of lotions and chemical creams. These will impact side effects. To reduce naturally, follow below

1. Drink 4 to 5.5 liters of water a day
2. Have fruit juices at least two (preferably Carrot n beetroot and Orange)

Health Tip #87

Blood Pumping, Do you know how many liters of blood pumps by Heart? Approximately 10000 liters of blood pumps daily. Wow, it is almost equal to a big lorry tank. For every pumping, it pumps 90 ml. So, is it functioning properly these days with these food and life habits? Main damage happening with Salt.

Try to avoid Salt or if possible reduce. A human requires only 1 gm salt a day. If you can't avoid salt, at least try to add light salt after cooking, instead of adding while cooking.

Health Tip #88

Natural ways to stop Snoring (గురక)

1. Have early dinner (6 to 7 pm)
2. Take only fruits in the dinner
3. Do breathing exercise

Health Tip #89

Kidney stones, form due to excess chemicals, minerals, and wastage from our body. To reduce or avoid please follow

1. Drink 1 to 1.5 liters of water in the early morning.
2. Don't drink water before and after immediate eating, and while eating, give at least half an hour gap before, after eating 2 hours gap.
3. Try to avoid taking more salt, if possible avoid completely.
4. Take Mountain Knotgrass (కొండ పిండి ఆకు) juice or Bryophyllum Pinnatum (రణపాల ఆకు) leaves juice regularly to reduce stone.

Health Tip #90

Do you know how much Cholesterol do you require a day? Only 300 mg required. That is prepared by our lever. But we consume a lot by taking directly in the form of Oils, Ghee, oily food, etc. If Cholesterol increases, the LDL Cholesterol harms your body.

1. Avoid consuming more oils.
2. Avoid junk, oily food, or outside food.
3. Do exercise daily

Health Tip #91

The benefits of Cinnamon (దాల్చిన చెక్క), it is not only for spicy taste and fragrance.

1. It kills bacteria and fungous in our body by having the Cinnanaldehyde chemical.
2. It reduces BP by smoothening the blood cells.
3. It reduces LDL cholesterol and avoids heart diseases
4. It restricts TAR protein harmness in the brain
5. It reduces Sugar, by activating beta cells by producing insulin
6. It kills Cancer cells

However, don't use it regularly because it is a medicine plant. Use only occasionally like festivals, special days, and whenever it is required.

Health Tip #92

The benefits of Clove (లవంగం), it is not only for spicy taste and fragrance.

1. It reduces Diabetes, overweight, and over-white by having Eugenol chemical.
2. It reduces bad cholesterol
3. It reduces stress, pains, and inflammations by having Tannins chemical in Clove
4. Clove oil used to reduce teeth pain and gum pains.
5. It helps to reduce Ulcer, acidity, gastric irritations, but if you use it regularly it will harm your body.

However, don't use it regularly because it is a medicine plant. Use only occasionally like festivals, special days, and whenever it is required.

Health Tip #93

Do you know why do we get Hiccups while eating? The reason is not chewing properly and eating speed without crushing. And not having sufficient Saliva in your mouth. All the people take water when the hiccups come, but it's not the correct way. Just wait for a while and eat. 
What do you need to do to avoid hiccups?
1. Habituate having 2 glasses of water before half an hour.
2. Have small small chunks and eat slowly
3. Chew properly, then it produces saliva, Saliva contains Lysozyme and Emaline acids to digest properly

Health Tip #94

The benefits of Kiwi fruit, 100gms of Kiwi fruit is having 61 Calories, 14 gms Carbohydrates.

1. It helps to smoothen the blood cells and reduces BP.
2. It helps to reduce Triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and avoids heart attacks.
3. If you eat Kiwi fruit for dinner, it helps in deep sleep and good rest.
4. Having 93 mg Vitamin C and helps to improve immunity power
5. It helps to reduce Constipation (మలబద్దకం)
6. Reduces wrinkles on the skin (చర్మం ముడతలు)
7. It helps to reduce Cold, Cough, Ulcers, etc. by having Vitamin C and E

Health Tip #95

How to increase Blood Platelets, to increase we need Protein food. Blood cells live 120 days. Platelets life span is 10 days. For healthy person should have 3 to 4 lakhs platelets count.

1. Eat at least one leafy vegetable daily. Even mix with Lentils (కందిపప్పు) for high protein
2. Mix Soya beans in the curry by boiling
3. Eat Sprouts, Groundnuts regularly
4. Eat dry fruits, dry nuts (Watermelon seeds, Dates, etc.)
5. Eat Groundnut cake powder (తెలగ పిండి)

Health Tip #96

Know about the Liver, it weighs 1.5 kg and plays 500 vital functions in our body. The main functions of Liver
1. It protects against infections
2. It produces cholesterol, proteins
3. It regulates blood clotting
4. It clears drugs in blood, chemicals, alcohol, etc.
5. Converts excess glucose to starch for storage
6. Excretes wastes via bile
7. Detoxification, Metabolic functions, etc.

Health Tip #97

Fatty Liver, it may cause due to high fat in our body. Obesity also leads to Fatty Liver. People who are addicted to alcohol are more likely to have fatty liver problems. To overcome please follow
1. Have two fruit or vegetable juices a day
2. Have 60 to 70% natural food
3. Do exercise regularly
4. Avoid alcohol
5. Avoid Salt and Oil

Health Tip #98

How to clean Liver with food, to function Liver properly require good food and vitamins.

1. Eat Sprouts and Rice Bran (తవుడు) for good B complex vitamins
2. Have early dinner (6 to 7 pm)
3. Have fruits only in the dinner
4. Take two juices (Vegetable or Fruit) a day (morning and evening)
5. Do liquid (water or juices) fasting a day a week

Health Tip #99

Pimples, lot of people suffers in youth, some people get in middle age also. To remove, they try to press or pinch those pimples. Don't do all, please follow below, when we get.

Take Neem (వేప) leaves, few Basil (తులసి) leaves and add little Turmeric and paste these three and apply to the face for some time.

Health Tip #100

To avoid Pimples, do below things

1. Take mud pack with a mixture of Neem leaf powder or Dry lemon peel powder with little turmeric and apply to face.
2. Go two times motion a day regularly
3. Have two juices a day
4. Take 4 to 5.5 liters of water a day

Health Tip #101

To get rid of Pimples and Dark Spots on the face, do-follow

1. Apply Gooseberry (ఉసిరి) paste and do massage or Gooseberry powder and mix with honey and massage on the face.
2. Do Steaming to the face

Health Tip #102

To get rid of Oily skin, do-follow

1. Take Cream layer (మీగడ) on the milk and do massage
2. Do Steaming (ఆవిరి) to the face
3. Clean face with Basin flour (శనగ పిండి)

Health Tip #103

If you are getting Leg pains (కాళ్ళు లాగడం), Calf pains (పిక్కల నొప్పులు), the main indication is due to lack of B complex vitamin.

1. Eat Rice bran (తవుడు) with dates in the form of laddu, juice or etc.
2. Eat sprouts for good B complex
3. Eat unpolished food

Health Tip #104

Mineral Water, these days we are hearing Mineral water bottles, actually, these are not having minerals. Some people (brands) are adding minerals from outside and selling water bottles. Even these are not good for health. The best drinking water is Canel and River water, but nowadays we can not drink directly due to pollution. Have normal tap water. For minerals, have Coconut water now and then. The highest mineral having a natural drink is Coconut water.

Health Tip #105

If you go outside or any event or functions, will eat more like Biryani, sweets, or other items. Due to this will get more calories, and may get heavy fat. To avoid that,
1. If the function is at dinner, eat only fruits in the lunch and next day avoid breakfast and lunch.
2. If it is lunch, avoid dinner and take only water or juice in the dinner.

Health Tip #106

How to live without medicine?
1. Take natural food 50 to 60% in the form of Sprouts, Dry fruits, Dry nuts, fruits, fruit juices, vegetable juices, etc. regularly.
2. Have at least one Sesame laddu (నువ్వుల లడ్డు), Coconut laddu (కొబ్బరి లడ్డు), Peanut laddu (పల్లి లడ్డు), Sunnundalu (సున్నుండలు), etc. daily.
3. Have 50% curries in the meals. 
4. Take at least one leafy vegetable day.
5. Drink Coconut water and Sugar cane juice at least twice a week.

Health Tip #107

Nails, by seeing nails also we can identify a few of the health conditions. If you press fingers or nails, it should become reddish color. If not and if you see in white color that indicates low hemoglobin, low blood, and lack of Iron. To avoid that take proper food.

Health Tip #108

Benefits of Almonds (బాదం పప్పు), it contains approximately 650 calories, 21 gms Protein, 59 gm's fat, 10 gms Carbohydrates in 100 gms. Eat regularly for good health. Soak these nuts in the night and eat in the morning or soak in the morning and eat in the evening. You can eat up to 25 pieces.

Health Tip #109

Benefits of Radish (ముల్లంగి), 
1. It cleans liver cells
2. It filters toxins in kidneys
3. It produces beta cells and acts as antioxidants

Health Tip #110

The wonders of Holy Basil (తులసి)...It contains a lot of good chemicals like Apigenin, Rosmarinic, Eugenol, etc. If you eat even 2 leafs a day will give a lot of benefits.

1. Basil plant purifies air pollution
2. It destroys Toxic gases
3. It acts as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidants, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, etc.
4. It smoothening blood vessels
5. It stimulates beta cells in Pancreas and helps in producing insulin
6. Every house should have at least one plant

Health Tip #111

Amazing benefits of Dates, it contains 144 Calories in 100 gms, dry dates having 317 Calories. Eating these won't get any side effects, very good for health.

1. It helps in improving blood
2. Good strength for the body

Health Tip #112

Benefits of Sugar Cane juice, it contains 39 Calories, 0g Fat, 9.1g Carbs, 0.1g Protein in 100 ml. It contains micronutrients, minerals, etc. Sodium 58mg, Potassium 63mg, Calcium 12mg, Phosphorous 1mg, Iron 0.15mg. No side effects with Sugar Cane juice. 
1. Anyone can drink Sugar Cane juice except sugar patients but can eat sugar cane pieces. 
2. Even u can drink daily, it gives instant energy, but don't mix with Ice.
3. Low price, high benefits

Health Tip #113

Health benefits of Ragi Malt (రాగి జావ), it contains 344mg Calcium, having 328 Calories, 3.6 gm's Fiber, 7.3 gms Protein, 1.3 gms Fat.

1. It helps to improve bone strength.
2. Easy digestible

Health Tip #114

Most Healthy and Magical Leaf in Nature i.e., Moringa Leaf (మునగ ఆకు). It contains mainly Chlorogenic acid and Isothiocyanate.

1. Due to these chemicals helps to reduce or control Sugar
2. Having high Fiber 8 gms
3. It increases HDL Cholesterol and avoids heart diseases
4. It avoids blood vessels stiffness by having Quercetin chemical
5. Having 6780 micro gm Beta Keratin and gives A Vitamin
6. It reduces free radicals formation, avoids inflammations
7. Try to eat Moringa Leaf curry or use in vegetable juices whenever it is available

Health Tip #115

Benefits of Leafy Vegetables,

1. Leafy vegetables improves blood
2. If you eat daily one leaf vegetable then no need for Iron capsules in your life
3. Gives Vitamin A, and it acts as antioxidants
4. Gives more Calcium, Sodium
5. Leafy vegetables contain Alphalenolenic acid, which improves HDL good cholesterol
6. Give more Fiber, it cleans blood cells

Health Tip #116

How much energy in Non-veg vs Veg, the energy details approximately for 100 gms. A lot of people think that Non-veg is having more protein and energy, below are the calculations...

Egg 72 KCal, Cat Fish (జెల్లలు) 86 KCal, Beta (బొమ్మిడాలు) Fish 89 KCal, Sole Fish (కొర్రమీను) 94 KCal, Catla Fish (బొచ్చ చేప) 111 KCal, Boal Fish (వాలుగ చేప) 116 KCal, Bhangan Beta Fish (మోసు చేప) 144 KCal, Buffalo meat (గేదె మాంసం) 86 KCal, Prawns (రొయ్య మాంసం) 89 KCal, Chicken (కోడి మాంసం) 109 KCal, Pork (పంది మాంసం) 114 KCal, Mutton (మేక మాంసం) 118 KCal, Crab (పీత మాంసం) 159 KCal.

Red gram (కంది పప్పు) 335 KCal, Roasted Peas (వేపుడు బఠాణీలు) 340 KCal, Lentil (మైసూర్ పప్పు) 343 KCal, Rajmah (రాజ్మా) 346 KCal, Blackgram (మినపపప్పు) 347 KCal, Bengalgram (శనగపప్పు) 360 KCal, Groundnut Cake (తెలగపిండి) 386 KCal, Soya Bean (సోయా చిక్కుడు) 432 KCal, Fresh Coconut (పచ్చి కొబ్బరి) 444 KCal, Sesame seeds (నువ్వులు) 563 KCal, Groundnuts (వేరుశనగలు) 567 KCal, Cashew Nuts (జీడి పప్పు) 596 KCal, Pista Nuts (పిస్తాపప్పు) 626 KCal, Watermelon Seeds (పుచ్చగింజల పప్పు) 628 KCal, Almond (బాదంపప్పు) 655 KCal, Walnuts (వాల్ నట్స్) 687 KCal

Health Tip #117

Rheumatoid Arthritis, is nothing but autoimmunity disorder. Follow this below diet for 1 to 2 years.

1. Avoid Salt
2. Eat boiled food in the afternoon only with heavy curries.
3. Eat early dinner at 5 to 7 pm
4. Eat natural food morning and evening (Sprouts, Dry fruits, Dry nuts, fruits, etc.)
5. Drink Pomegranate fruit (దానిమ్మ రసం) juice

Health Tip #118

Benefits of Guava, Human needs 50mg of Vitamin C per day. Guava contains 50 gms Calories, 220 mg Vitamin C approximately in 100 gms. Plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is water-soluble.

1. Very good for Sugar patients
2. Gives good immunity power
3. It helps in detoxification and acts as antioxidants
4. A best pesticide and Carbide free fruit

Health Tip #119

Benefits of Neem leaves, it contains Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbidol, etc. chemicals.

1. Acts as Antibacterial and Anti-Viral. 
2. It stimulates beta cells to control the insulin to work the Pancreas properly.
3. Azadirachtin chemical will kill Head louse (పేను) insects if we apply neem leaf paste to hair.
4. It kills the Cancer cells.
5. It reduces the skin allergies
6. There are a lot of benefits, can eat Neem leaves occasionally, use Neem oil, Neem leaf paste, bath with neem leaf boiled water.

Health Tip #120

To clean the stomach, whoever having motion problems, and to clean the stomach, the best option is an enema.

1. Do plain water enema for 2 to 3 days
2. Take neem leaves and boil in water, filter boiled neem leaf water, and do the enema.
3. Even neem leaf water kills insects (నులిపురుగులు) in our stomach.

Health Tip #121

Do you know the disadvantages of Tamarind soup (చింత పండు చారు లేక రసం)?

People used to have soup prepared by Tamarind daily in the meals. Do we know why that soup prepared, is it for the good tasty dish in the meals? No, it is actually Kashayam and it is introduced to clean stomach whoever having motion problems. However we should not take it daily, we should take it occasionally because it is a medicine. Avoid Tamarind soup daily.

1. If you take Tamarind soup daily it causes stomach irritation
2. One more disadvantage is, for this soup will add more Salt, due to this it will release more gas, so causes gastric problems.
3. Due to this it increases motion problems
4. To avoid this, prepare alternate soup Tomato soup

Health Tip #122

Low-Cost High Protein Food... Protein food plays a main role to build our body. To produce new cells, to prepare healthy Hormones, Children to grow up well, to increase platelets more in blood require protein food. For Kg weight require 1 gm Protein approximately. For hard workers 1.5 gm's, for below 25 yrs 2 gm's, for pregnancy ladies 2.5 gm's for 1 kg weight.

Below is the best food for high Protein (for 100 gms)...
1. Lentils/Toor dal (కంది పప్పు) and Green gram/Moong dal (పెసర పప్పు) (25 GM's)
2. Groundnut (25 GM's)
3. Water million seeds (పుచ్చకాయ) (34 GM's)
4. Soya beans and Soya Flakes (43 GM's)
5. Meal Maker (47 GM's)
6. Sprouts

Health Tip #123

Benefits of Carrot, it contains 48 Calories for 100 GMs. Mainly it contains beta carotene, which helps to produce A Vitamin.

1. It acts as antioxidants
2. Helps to remove free radicals in our body

Health Tip #124

Are Milk and Egg is best Protein and Nutrition food? Egg contains 72 Calories and 7 GM's protein. 100 GM's milk contains 80 to 90 Calories.

Below are the best protein food
1. Greengram Sprouts (25 to 35 GM's protein, For 100 GM's 335 Calories)
2. Fresh Coconut (పచ్చి కొబ్బరి) 444 Calories for 100 GM's
3. Sesame seeds (నువ్వులు) 563 KCal, Groundnuts (వేరుశనగలు) 567 KCal, Cashew Nuts (జీడి పప్పు)
4. These are all zero cholesterol

Health Tip #125

Know about blood and blood cells...

Blood contains mainly Red blood cells, White blood cells, Platelets, Plasma, etc., Plasma 55% of total blood, Plasma carries vitamins, Minerals, Hormones, and Other Nutrients. Red blood cells carry oxygen and their life span 120 days. Platelets take care of blood clot formation. White blood cells take care of Protection and resistance power. Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. 

To take of your blood cells, have natural food regularly, avoid junk food.

Health Tip #126

Best food to improve Hemoglobin Count in Blood and increase Iron Levels. The best count for Hemoglobin percentage 12 to 14% for ladies and they have 4.5 liters of blood, for gents 14 to 16% is a good perfect percentage and they have 5 liters of blood.

1. Take unpolished food
2. Eat sprouts regularly
3. Drink Wheatgrass juice regularly

Health Tip #127

To clean your Intestines (ప్రేగులు). Have fiber food regularly. Which helps to avoid Intestine cancer and motion problems.

1. Take two vegetable juices (morning and evening) regularly
2. Eat unpolished food
3. Eat sprouts (మొలకెత్తిన విత్తనాలు) regularly
4. Prepare curries with unpeeled grains (పొట్టు పప్పులు)

Health Tip #128

How to cleanse your Kidneys and what is the food needed.

1. Take 4 to 5.5 liters of water daily
2. Avoid salt completely
3. Take vegetable and fruit juices regularly
4. If the kidneys are infected, eat only once cooked food in the lunch, and take fruits and sprouts in the breakfast and dinner

Health Tip #129

Does drinking too much water damage the kidneys?

No, not at all. This is the myth. If you drink water, the water does not go directly to the kidneys. It will go intestine the liver to the kidneys. If there is excess water they excrete it through the urine. Approximately we should pass 2.5 liters of urine daily. Excess water helps to clean the kidneys and avoids stones in the kidney.

Health Tip #130

What to do for your body Detoxification. For Detox your body we need mainly Vitamin C, A, E, and Zinc.

1. Take two juices every day
2. Take 50 to 60% natural food in the form of fruits, sprouts, dry fruits, dry nuts, juices, etc.
3. Drink 4 to 5.5 liters of water a day

Health Tip #131

When we are doing exercise we will get sweat. The body tries to eliminate waste material in the form of sweat when we do exercise.

Don't do it when you are doing exercise..
1. Do not turn on the fan and exercise. Do in the natural air.
2. Even after exercise do not turn on a fan to cool our body. The body has to cool in a natural body.
3. Don't take bath immediately after exercise

Health Tip #132

Benefits of Avocado or Butter fruit. The lowest Carbohydrates 0.8 GM's in this fruit. 28 GM's fat, 7 GM's Fiber, 2 GM's Protein, 217 Calories energy in 100 GM's

1. Very useful for Sugar patients
2. It controls sugar levels in our blood
3. It reduces weakness in our body

Health Tip #133

Tips to Boost your Immunity Power. For immunity boosting mainly, we require Zinc, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Eat below food around 15 to 20 GM's daily

1. Eat soaked Pumpkin seeds (గుమ్మడికాయ గింజలు) (Highest Zink in food)
2. Eat soaked Sunflower seeds (పొద్దుతిరుగుడు గింజలు) (Rich in Vitamin E)
3. Eat soaked Watermelon seeds (పుచ్చకాయ గింజలు) (Rich in Vitamin A)
4. Eat Guava fruits (జామ పండ్లు) (Rich in Vitamin C)

Health Tip #134

Disadvantages of Cool drinks. Cool drinks contain sugar, colors, preservatives, pesticides, phosphorus, etc. 

1. Due to the chilling effect it will damage the tonsils and cause throat infections.
2. Due to phosphorus, damages the adhesive substance that builds up in the intestinal wall.
3. Due to high sugar levels, it damages the Teeth.
4. Due to cool drinks, increases the gastric problems
5. Try to avoid cool drinks completely

Health Tip #135

Do one thing to give the body real rest. Have an early dinner. If you eat early dinner, every part of your body takes enough rest and gains energy.

1. Take early dinner between 5.30 to 6.30 pm
2. Take easily digestible food in dinner like fruits and nuts or pulkas.

Health Tip #136

How to reduce the Asthma problem?

1. Try to drink hot or warm water every time
2. Take a bath with hot water
3. Steam twice
4. Avoid salt completely
5. Avoid Sugar, Jaggery and cold items
6. Do breathing exercise (Pranayamas)

Health Tip #137

The benefits of Ash Gourd, it contains low calories 10 GM's, and high vitamin and minerals. Even you can prepare Curry as well.

1. It's a very good weight loss juice
2. It controls blood sugar levels

Health Tip #138

Lung Health, to reduce breathing problems...

1. Stomach size should be reduced, which means those who are fat should be thin. Because the lungs are pressed as the abdomen grows.
2. Avoid Cigarettes completely. Carbon Monoxide, Benzene, Ammonia, Cadmium, Led, Nickel, etc., damage lung capacity.
3. Avoid Sugar, chocolate, Ise cream, Sweets, Cool drinks, Biscuits. These produce, Sputum (కఫం), Mucus (శ్లేషం). This reduces lung efficiency.
4. Do pranayamas regularly
5. Take early dinner (5.30 pm to 6.30 pm) to increase lung capacity

Health Tip #139

Do you know the damage to these two food items? Salt and Sugar. Almost everyone consumes daily somewhat these food items. Mainly Salt will think that a lot of damage will be done if we do not eat. But the fruits vegetables and other intakes we eat every day also contain salt, which provides enough salt for the day. We ate salt because of taste only. About Sugar you know, it's mixed with a lot of bad chemicals. These two are called white poisons.

1. Avoid Salt completely
2. Avoid Sugar and instead use Honey, Dates powder

Health Tip #140

What can be done to prevent blood clots? For good blood circulation in our body, the blood must be thin. Blood clots can lead to heart attack or stroke. The main cause of blood clots in the food we eat, most importantly the salt we eat.

1. Avoid eating salt
2. Squeeze lemon juice into curries instead of salt.

Health Tip #141

How to reduce the bad fat or Cholesterol in us.

1. Avoid polished items, especially salt, sugar, flour, white rice, white pulp, etc.
2. All non-veg food items are high in fat, so it is best to avoid them.
3. Reduce or stop the use of oil.
4. Eat leafy vegetables well.
5. Drink plenty of water.

Health Tip #142

Rich Calcium food. Calcium is what everyone remembers as milk. 100 grams of condensed milk contained 120 milligrams, but let's look at ingredients that have more calcium than milk.

The figure below is about 100 grams of material,
397 milligrams in Asparagus (తోటకూర), 440 milligrams in Drumstick leaves (మునగాకు), 397 milligrams in Fenugreek (మెంతికూర), 510 milligrams in Amaranth (పోనగంటి కూర) and 830 milligrams in Curry leaves (కరివేపాకు). Sesame (నువ్వులు) 1450 milligrams.

Think again, what to eat when we are calcium deficient.

Health Tip #143

Rich Folic Acid foods, this is one of the main Vitamin for fighting against Virus, for new cells formation, for immunity boosting. We require 400 micrograms of Folic acid per day.

1. Rich folic acid pulses are Green gram, Black-eyed beans, Chickpeas. In this will get folic acid 180 mg for 100 gms.
2. Leafy vegetables having more folic acid. The rich folic acid leafy vegetable is Mint.
3. Rich folic acid fruit is Avocado

Health Tip #144

Benefits of Jeera. It contains Apigenin and Luteolin chemicals that reduce inflammations in fat cells. It helps to reduce weight loss.

1. It controls loose motions. U can take it with buttermilk.
2. It helps to reduce bad cholesterol

Health Tip #145

Home Remedies for Pigmentation (మంగుమచ్చలు). It is especially what we see in women. Melanocytes can serve as a shield from the sun. These Pigmentations are caused by the overproduction of a chemical called melanin. The reason for the increase in women is due to the decrease in the hormone estrogen and the increase in the hormone progesterone. Pigmentation does not go away quickly and can sometimes take months or even years.

1. Take care not to get sunburned on the face.
2. Soak the soya beans overnight, boil them in the morning and add to the curries. Helps to increase the hormone estrogen.
3. Eat 60 to 70% natural foods (fruits, fruit juices, sprouted seeds, dry fruits, dry nuts, vegetable juices, etc.)
4. Drink 4 to 5.5 liters of water every day
5. Rub on the face with honey and leave on for a while (around half an hour). Helps to reduce scars.

Health Tip #146

Here are some tips to reduce Pigmentation (మంగుమచ్చలు). 

Tamarind seeds paste can be mixed with honey and put on the spots on the face and washed off after half an hour. 

Doing so reduces the Tyrosinase enzyme that causes black pigmentation and reduces black pigment production. Alternatively, you can dry the Tamarind seeds and mix them with honey, or drink it with water. Doing so can lead to normal skin for a few months.

Health Tip #147

Beetroot is a good juice to reduce Pigmentation (మంగుమచ్చలు) or freckles (చిన్న చిన్న మచ్చలు). Beetroot contains 97.3 micrograms of folic acid, which is essential for the production of new skin cells due to the folic acid in beetroot juice. It contains Vitamin A which protects the skin from cracking. Vitamin C in beetroot helps prevent wrinkles on the skin. 

A spoonful of beetroot juice mixed with almond oil can be used to massage the freckles.

Health Tip #148

A tip to keep the skin from drying out.

2 to 3 teaspoons of beetroot juice mixed with milk, almond oil or coconut oil can be rubbed on the face or on the skin to prevent dryness. Apply this and after half an hour clean it.

Health Tip #149

A tip to lighten the skin.

Take the Orange or Lemon peel and dry it, and do powder. Mix this powder with Beetroot juice is applied to the face to lighten the complexion.

Health Tip #150

A tip to soften the skin.

Put 3 spoons of beetroot juice and yogurt or curd on the face to soften the skin.

Health Tip #151

To keep the skin well without allergies. For some, going out can damage their skin due to dust mites. Some people have skin discoloration due to allergies. Some people get sunburn allergies. Others get pimples, scars, and freckles.

Mix good black clay, turmeric, neem leaf powder, and lemon peel powder on the face and wash off for half an hour. Doing this occasionally will reduce pimples and scars on the face.

Health Tip #152

Banana tip useful for skin beauty. There are many benefits to using peeled (well-ripened) banana paste on the skin. Bananas contain retinol, a chemical that helps to restore sunburned skin when we go out in the sun. The B complex in bananas helps the cells in the skin to heal faster and work harder. Vitamin E in bananas helps to soften the skin, without damaging the skin tissue from UV rays in the sun. The potassium in bananas helps to keep most of the water in the skin cells from leaking out. Add banana, a little turmeric, a cup of yogurt, or curd and apply on face and wash off after half an hour.

Health Tip #153

Another tip with banana which is useful for skin beauty.

Banana, a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice can be put on the face. Doing so can help reduce dark spots on the face and enhance skin tone due to its vitamin C content.

Health Tip #154

Banana tip to keep skin from drying out. A well-ripened banana paste, avocado paste, and a little honey can be applied to the face to soften the skin without drying it out.

Health Tip #155

Sandalwood tip to reduce pimples and brighten the skin.

Propioni bacteria are the main cause of acne or pimples. Sandalwood (చందనం) works well to reduce pimples. The santalol in sandalwood, and some other chemicals, work to keep the bacteria from entering the skin or to kill the bacteria. Also works to reduce freckles. Sandalwood powder mixed with honey should be applied to the face. Or sandalwood powder mixed with a little turmeric and mixed honey should be applied on the face.

Health Tip #156

Fasting is the divine paramount. Nowadays we use medicines for everything from minor ailments to colds and coughs. When used in this way, the immune system in our body is weakened and eventually stops working. So if we give our body some time, that body will work to reduce diseases.

Health Tip #157

Herbal Bath powder (సున్ను పిండి) useful for skin beauty and health. It is used to cleanse the skin from sweat, pollution, toxins, and waste.

Homemade Herbal Bath powder (సున్ను పిండి), the ingredients in it.
  • Musk yellow (కస్తూరి పసుపు) 100 gms, basil, neem leaves 100 gms .. These three act as anti-bacterial, anti-viral.
  • Bhavan chalu 100 gms, which works to regulate melano sites.
  • 100 gms of Tungamasthu (తుంగమస్తుల), which works to reduce skin rashes, skin itching and keep healthy.
  • Dried roots (వట్టి వేర్లు ) 100 gms, retains skin moisture. Helps skin cells to grow.
  • Lemon peel powder 100 gms, which helps to prevent skin cells from getting damaged and oily skin.
  • Orange or Sweet Lemon peels are 100 gms, which helps to reduce oily skin.
  • Gooseberry / Amla (పెద్ద ఉసిరికాయలు) are 100 gms, which helps to keep the collagen in the skin cells looking younger without damaging the skin.
  • Rose petals 100 gms, which works for skin beauty, fragrance without wrinkles.
  • Horse gram (ఉలవలు) 100 or 200 gms, works to keep skin tissue good.
  • 250 gms of raw rice or plain rice, which is used to cleanse the skin, to get rid of dandruff, sweat, and dirt.
  • Green gram or Mung bean (పెసర్లు) is 5 kgs, which works to remove dead cells.
  • Saffron flower (కుంకుమ పువ్వు) 3 to 4 gms, which works for skin beauty.
  • Sandalwood leaves (గంధం కర్చురాలు) 100 gms, which works to enhance skin color.
Health Tip #158

To reduce vitiligo and blackheads. If there is any problem with the skin they do not reduce quickly and sometimes it takes years to reduce. Because the largest organ in our body is the skin. If we make changes in our diet patiently they are likely to decrease.
  1. Drink wheatgrass juice often.
  2. Drink something like vegetable juice every day. (Carrot, Beetroot, Keera, Bottle Gourd, Tomato, Ridge gourd, Snake gourd, Pumpkin, Spinach, Mint, Coriander, Lemon, etc.)
  3. Apply coconut oil on the skin and try to stay in the sun for a while.
  4. Eat 60 to 70% natural foods every day. (Sprouted seeds, dry fruits, dry nuts, fruits, fruit juices, vegetable juices)
Health Tip #159

Uses of Jamun/Blackberry fruit (అల్లనేరేడు పండు). This is the fruit that is high in antioxidants, hence it is called the most powerful antioxidant. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the monsoon season. These Jamun/Blackberry fruits protect against infections. These fruits can be eaten by anyone. This fruit is very good for immunity.

1. These fruits are very useful for people with diabetes. It contains anthocyanin pigments and flavonoids that reduce insulin resistance and make it work better.
2. This fruit is very useful to protect the DNA in our tissues from being damaged and to prevent the production of cancer cells.
3. 100 grams of Jamun/Blackberry fruit contains 15 gms of carbs
4. Also works to relieve nausea (వికారం).
5. Lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol.

Health Tip #160

The skin on the neck, forehead, and cheeks turns black. Let's find out the reasons for them.

1. Skin turns black in those areas even due to Obesity.
2. This also happens when you have diabetes.
3. Hyperthyroidism
4. This happens despite PCOD problems in girls.

These can be reduced with proper nutrition.

Health Tip #161

Immune causes of migraine headaches.

1. The food eaten is not properly digested
2. Having gastric problems
3. Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting
4. Lack of proper defecation (మలవిసర్జన)
5. Due to not drinking water properly

Health Tip #162

Are green chilies good or dried chilies in cooking?

Green chilies are good. In Green chilies, fruit chilies, and dried chilies. the Green chilies contain only 50% of the chili and are spicy. The 75% in fruit chili and 100% in dried chili. As the chili dries, the water in it decreases, which increases the chili and spicy. When we cook, some of the chili, the spicy decreases. Use green chilies in dishes. Use dried chilies only occasionally.

Health Tip #163

The best medicine for blood cancer is wheatgrass juice. Drinking this juice kills cancer cells. Helps to increase blood flow. People with blood cancer should drink 150 ml 3 times a day and if they eat a good nutritious diet, the blood cancer can be reduced quickly.

Health Tip #164
Benefits of Rajma nuts. These are nuts that are high in B complex folic acid. B Complex helps in strengthening our body and keeping the nerves functioning properly. Vitamin B9 Folic acid is good for building new cells. We need 400 micrograms a day, while pregnant women need twice as much (600 to 800 mcg). 100 grams of rajma nuts are high in 316 micrograms of folic acid, 20 grams of protein, 1332 micrograms of potassium, and 16 grams of fiber. Occasionally eat rajma nuts in the form of curries, which should be included in the diet instead of folic acid for pregnant women.

Health Tip #165

Flaxseeds - Omega 3 fatty acids that help prevent blood clots and brain strokes. Omega 3 fatty acids are good for preventing bad fats from accumulating in the blood vessels. It contains a good fat called alphalenolonic. Flax seeds reduce bad fats and increase good fats. It is high in 550 calories of energy, 18 grams of protein, 42 grams of fat, and omega 3 fatty acids. They help prevent brain strokes, fatty deposits in the blood vessels, and heart attacks. They also work to lower BP. These can be taken at 25 to 30 grams per day. They can be used in the form of avisa laddu or roasted chilies, roasted and powdered curries.

Health Tip #166

What foods should be eaten to increase good cholesterol (HDL). Whole grains contain alphalenolonic acid, which raises good cholesterol.
  1. Eat raw materials (unpolished rice, wheat, grains), sprouted seeds.
  2. Eat unpeeled pulses
  3. Eat dry fruits (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, watermelon seeds), rajma, flax seeds
  4. Eat greens/leafy vegetables during the day
Health Tip #167

To avoid getting infected with diseases. Vegetables should be high in the diet we eat. Such is the uniqueness of vegetables. About 50 to 70% of the food we eat should be vegetables. This means eating more curries than rice. Most people prepare KG or a half KG curry throughout the day. Otherwise, at least one KG or one and a half KG of curry should be cooked in a house with four people. It also needs to be cooked in a natural way so that all the nutrients reach our body. In it, make sure there is no excess of salt, oil, and spices. It is better to cook two vegetables a day, one is asparagus and the other is plain vegetable curry. Make sure you eat greens at least four days a week.

Health Tip #168

If children want good energy. Many children are given a combination of energy powders in milk which are bought outside. Instead, they can be made at home with good energy powder, that is sprouts powder. Chickpeas (శనగలు), Green Gram (పెసర్లు), etc. should be sprouted, dried and powdered. Also fry almonds, cashews, and pistachios and powdered it. Among them add dried date powder and for fragrant, slightly Cardamom (యాలకుల) powder to taste. Mix seedling powder, dry fruit powder, date powder, and cardamom powder in a bottle. Children get good nutritional value if this powder is taken in small amounts in milk along with honey on a daily basis.

Health Tip #169

Papaya leaf juice is an excellent juice that can help blood platelets grow faster. Add papaya leaves, a little water, grind and mix it with honey to increase platelets quickly.

Health Tip #170

Leucas Aspera (తుమ్మి మొక్క) plant benefits, this plant is very unique. This plant is especially widely available to Vinayaka Chavati. The leaves of this plant are also eaten in the form of curry and chutney. This plant works like good medicine. Everyone uses these leaves for this Vinayaka chaviti.
  1. These leaves work to reduce psoriasis and skin diseases
  2. Works to reduce jaundice, arthritis, liver diseases
  3. Reduces infertility
  4. Reduces menstrual problems in women
  5. This plant reduces phlegm and rheumatic diseases
Health Tip #171

To prevent epilepsy (fits) in children. Fits are more likely to occur in people who do not drink much water. Decreased calcium in the body is more likely to occur. Follow the steps below to change quickly.
  1. Make sure you drink plenty of water.
  2. Bath the head with cold water during the day, through which the blood vessels in the brain become active.
  3. Drink two fruit juices a day.
  4. Eat fruits well.
  5. Eat sesame laddu often.
Health Tip #172

To reduce hyperactivity in children. Children with zinc deficiency are more likely to be hyperactive. Pumpkin seeds should be soaked and eaten. The result can also be obtained by roasting and drying pumpkin seeds in curries. Or you can make and use roasted chili.

Health Tip #173

What to do to reduce head lice. Apply neem oil on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Or the neem leaves should be crushed and rubbed on the scalp for an hour, after doing a head bath, then lice will go.

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  1. good information for health

  2. Really Great and valuable Health tips information keep it up Tammudu Naveen,my humble request is plz everbody follow above health tips for u r good Health .

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, this is for awareness for good health

  4. A thorough information about every thing essential.

    1. Thank you, trying to provide complete information in a short way.

    2. Tq Naveen gaaru...its useful to everyone

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  6. Thank you Naveen garu...its useful to everyone

  7. Great information naveen garu. Keep posting this type of information and share to all.

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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